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Saturday, June 22, 2013

New blog clothes!

Not much new today except for blog clothes! I went on a little spree last night and got some new stuffs! I am extra proud of this one because I made my very first blinkie! Which, yes, you CAN snag! I'd love it if you snagged! Just let me know and I'll be sure to follow you in return! <3

I made this layout using the fabulous "I love Nerds" tube and matching kit by Ismael Rac.  You can find him here.  Now would be a perfect time to purchase his artwork as he is having a sale.  For every $10 you spend in the store, you will receive a bonus tube! That's a great deal! So head on over there now!

Here's a preview of the kit/tube:
*click on image to view full size*

I also made a new name sig using some of the elements from the kit!

Thanks for stopping by!


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Anything you see here is © to myself, unless otherwise specified, and is not for public domain. No copyright infringement is intended. Templates, tutorials, and designs are of my own creation and any similarities to others is purely coincidental and unintentional. Snagables come AS IS - and no changes/additions are to be made (IE, names added, animations, etc). Please do not take anything here unless you are intended the recipient (Snaggables exempt). Do not steal, rip, cut apart, or otherwise damage any of my creations or claim them as your own. Please abide by my hours when requesting any items! Registered & Protected


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