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# PFD_rhonda0975448
# IRR3677K
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Arthur Crowe:
# AC968
Barbara Jensen:
# BJ3860
Tony Tzanoukakis:
# TTZ506
Zindy Neilsen:
# 3278
Roman Zaric:
Elias Chatzoudis:
Artistically Inclined Licensing:
# AIL0466
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Scraps n Company:
Alicia Mujica:
Let's Chat!
- CT showoff for Kizzed by Kelz using Jose Cano plus...
- New CT!
- New blog clothes!
- CT showoff using Crystal's "Music of the Night" ki...
- Tag Showoff
- CT Showoff using "Sweet Princess" tube by Arthur C...
- CT tag showoff using artwork by Alex Phihodko and ...
- "Down Home Girl" using artwork by Alex Phirhodko a...
- "Days of Summer" using "Mermaid 2" by Jose Cano an...
- "Cowgirl" using Keith Garvey and Scraps by Bibi's ...
- "Beautiful Spring" using Alex Prihodko's "Spring" ...
- "Beach Summer" using Pin Up Toons 41-3 tube and Am...
- Steampunk "Simon Says" Challenge using VeryMany an...
- "Freedom" tag using Zlata_Ma and "Rockin USA" by A...
- Inspiration Quote Challenge
- Scrapkit Challenge Tag Showoff using Amy Marie's "...
- MoJo Fairy Showoff using artwork by Elias and "Dar...
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Sunday, June 23, 2013
CT showoff for Kizzed by Kelz using Jose Cano plus FREEBIES!
Happy Sunday! I have a CT showoff and snags for you all today!
*click image to view full size*
*click image to see full size*
This was made using the following supplies:
PTU tube "Jinx 2" by Jose Cano. You must have a valid license in order to use his artwork. You can find him over at SATC.
PTU scrapkit "Bad to the Bone" by Kizzed by Kelz. You can find her at ScrapCandy, SATC, and PFD.
Mask #84 by Wee Scott Lass
Template 2-3 by Ali over at Tik Tok Creations.
Here is a preview of the kit:
I also have a cluster frame and extras for you to snag. The preview is below.
You can download the frame and the extras in one convenient zip file here.
As always, if you download, please leave me some love. Also, I would love to see anything made with my cluster so send me your creations so I can showcase them right here on my blog!
Saturday, June 22, 2013
New CT!
I am pleased to announce that I have been accepted onto Kizzed by Kelz CT team! I already have my first kit to work with and I am so excited to be a part of her team! Check back soon for some new goodies! In the meantime, you can find Kizzed by Kelz at Scraps and
the City, Pics for Design, and Scrap Candy! Head on over to Scrap Candy where Kelly is having a 50% off sale ALL MONTH LONG!
New blog clothes!
Not much new today except for blog clothes! I went on a little spree last night and got some new stuffs! I am extra proud of this one because I made my very first blinkie! Which, yes, you CAN snag! I'd love it if you snagged! Just let me know and I'll be sure to follow you in return! <3
I made this layout using the fabulous "I love Nerds" tube and matching kit by Ismael Rac. You can find him here. Now would be a perfect time to purchase his artwork as he is having a sale. For every $10 you spend in the store, you will receive a bonus tube! That's a great deal! So head on over there now!
Here's a preview of the kit/tube:
*click on image to view full size*
I also made a new name sig using some of the elements from the kit!
Thanks for stopping by!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
CT showoff using Crystal's "Music of the Night" kit and Arthur Crowe PLUS FREEBIES!
Got another CT showoff tonight! This time I chose the awesome kit "Music of the Night". This kit is a great mix of dark and light colors and has a variety of musical elements and dark papers. This is great for all those rock n roll type projects!
*click image to see full size*
This design was made using the following supplies:
PTU Tube "Rock Doll" by Arthur Crowe. You must have a valid license in order to use his artwork which you can obtain when you make a purchase at his store.
PTU "Music of the Night" by Crystal's Creations. Find her at PFD and SATC.
Here's a preview of her kit:
And here's a sample of the cluster frame I made to match.
Find the snags and cluster frame in one convenient zip file here.
As always, if you download any of my items, please leave me some love and I would love to showcase any work made with my materials so please feel free to email me so I can showcase them right here on my blog!
Thanks for stopping by!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Tag Showoff
This was made for Cindi over at Pimpin Pspers forum. She's a new admin over there and apparently loves the color orange. So this weeks challenge was to use a pre-determined kit and make a tag and/or forum set. This was my entry.
*click image to view full size*
It was made with the FTU Kit "Outstanding Orange" by Amy and Leah over at Gimptastic Tuts!
Head on over to download this freebie and all the rest of their FTU kits!
It also includes two posers from Aisne’s Creations.
Thanks for stopping by!
CT Showoff using "Sweet Princess" tube by Arthur Crowe and "Sweet Princess" matching kit by Crystal's Creations PLUS Freebies!
Another CT showoff and freebies for you guys! This time I used the awesome kit "Sweet Princess" by Crystal's Creations. This kit is jam packed with 40 elements and 9 papers. Its a nice blend of pinks, yellow, and punk! You can find this kit and all of Crystal's kits over at SATC and PFD!
*click image to view full size*
This tag was made using the following supplies:
PTU "Sweet Princess" tube by Arthur Crowe. You must have a valid license in order to use his artwork which you can request at his store.
PTU "Sweet Princess" Kit by Crystal's Creations. You can find this kit and all of Crystal's kits at SATC and PFD.
Font: Simply Glamourous
Here's a preview of the kit:
I also have some freebies for you including a cluster frame and snags!
Here's a preview of the frame.
You can download the frame and the rest of the snags in one convenient zip file here.
As always, if you download my zip, please leave me some love, and be sure to send me anything you might make with my cluster so that I may showcase it on my blog!
Monday, June 10, 2013
CT tag showoff using artwork by Alex Phihodko and Crystal's Creations "My Honey Bee" kit plus extras!
Got a CT tag showoff!
*click image to view full size*
*click image to view full size*
This tag was made using the following supplies:
PTU tube "Sophia" by Alex Phihodko. You must have a valid license in order to use his artwork. You can find this tube and Alex's entire portfolio at PicsforDesign.com.
PTU kit "My Honey Bee" by Crystal's Creations. You can find this kit and all of Crystal's other kits at SATC and PFD!
I also made a cluster frame and some extras. Preview of the clusterframe is below.
*click image to see full size*
To download the frame and the extra's click here
As always if you download any of my snags please leave me some love. Don't forget to send your creations to me to showcase right here on my blog!
"Down Home Girl" using artwork by Alex Phirhodko and "Down Home Girl" Kit by Amy Marie
Tag Showoff:
*click image to view full size*
This was made using the following supplies:
PTU "Autumn Day" tube by Alex Phirhodko at PFD. You must have a valid license in order to use his artwork which you can obtain at PFD.
PTU "Down Home Girl" kit by Amy Marie.
Find this kit and all the rest of Amy's kits at her store as well as SATC and PFD.
Mask by Wee Scott Lass.
Thanks for stopping by!
"Days of Summer" using "Mermaid 2" by Jose Cano and "Elodie Summer" kit by Amy Marie
Made for a contest that Amy Marie had.
It was made using the following supplies:
PTU tube by Jose Cano. You must have a valid license in order to use his artwork. Find him over at SATC.
PTU "Elodie Summer" kit by Amy Marie's Kits. Find this kit and all of her kits at her store, as well as PFD and SATC.
Template by Millie at Millies PSP Madness.
Thanks for stopping by!
"Cowgirl" using Keith Garvey and Scraps by Bibi's Collection
Tag showoff!
*click image to view full size*
This is a tag show off and it uses the following supplies:
Artwork by Keith Garvey. You must have a valid license in order to use his work which you can obtain at his store.
"Cowgirl" by Bibi's Collection. You can find her over at SATC.
Template by Millie at Millies PSP Madness.
Thanks for stopping for by!
"Beautiful Spring" using Alex Prihodko's "Spring" tube and Amy Marie's "Spring Beauty" kit
Tag showoff!
*click image to view full size*
This tag was made using the following supplies:
PTU "Spring" tube by Alex Prihodko. You must have a valid license in order to use this tube.
PTU Kit "Spring Beauty" by Amy Marie. Find her over at Amy Marie's Kits store, SATC, and PFD.
Thanks for stopping by!
"Beach Summer" using Pin Up Toons 41-3 tube and Amy Marie's "Tropical Nights" kit
I made this as a contest entry that Amy Marie was running. I WON and got a free kit!
*click image to see full size*
It was made using the following supplies:
Pin Up Toons tube 41-3 (I think its called Capricorn). You must have a valid license in order to use this artwork.
PTU "Tropical Nights" kit by Amy Marie which you can find over at SATC, PFD, and her own store, Amy Marie's Kits.
Thanks for stopping by!
Steampunk "Simon Says" Challenge using VeryMany and Hania's Design's "Steampunk Girl" matching kit.
This was made for another challenge at Pimpin PSPers. We were playing Simon Says and I took the steampunk challenge! This is what I came up with:
*click image to see full size*
It was made using the following supplies:
"Steampunk Girl" by VeryMany, which you can find over at PFD. You must have a valid license in order to use their artwork.
PTU kit "Steampunk Girl" by Hania's Designs. You can find this kit and all the rest of her kits over at SATC.
Here's a preview of the kit:
Thanks for stopping by!
"Freedom" tag using Zlata_Ma and "Rockin USA" by Amy Marie
Here's a 4th of July tag I made.
*click image to view full size*
This was made using the fabulous tube "Julie" by Zlata_Ma, which you can find over at PFD. You must have a valid license in order to use this artwork.
It also uses Amy Marie's exclusive to her own store megakit "Rockin Usa" This kit is jam packed with 174 elements, 20 papers, clusters, wordart, templates, and masks! THE BEST PART is its on SALE! So go grab it!
Here's a preview:
I also made a cluster frame:
You can pick up the cluster here. If you snag, leave me some love. Also, please do send me any and all creations you might make with my cluster!
Inspiration Quote Challenge
Here's another challenge for the Pimpin PSPers forum. The idea was to take an inspirational quote and make word art and a tag that represents what we thought the quote meant. This was my take:
*click image to view full size*
This beauty was made using artwork by Keith Garvey. You must have a valid license in order to use his work. Head on over to Keith's store (linked left) to obtain yours! It also used scrapkit "Love Me" by Amy Marie's kits. Find this over at SATC, PFD, and Amy's very own store!
Here's a preview of the kit:
I also made some word art for this:
*just right click to save as*
Let me know if you snag my word art and as always, if you use my creations in any of your own designs, feel to send them my way so I can showcase them here on my blog! Email me at rhonda0975ATgmailDOTcom.
Scrapkit Challenge Tag Showoff using Amy Marie's "Dragonfly Cutie" kit
So I attempted a challenge over at the Pimpin forum (after taking a wee bit of break) and I tried my hand at the "Scrapkit Only" challenge. The idea was to use ONLY a scrapkit. No tube, no masks, no templates, no nothing. This was my entry!
*click image to view full size*
Here's a preview of the kit:
Find this and all of her other kits at both SATC and PFD, as well as Amy's brand new store which is linked to the left!
Feel free to snag the extra just leave me some love if you do so! :)
MoJo Fairy Showoff using artwork by Elias and "Dark Fairy" kit by Amy Marie
So yesterday, I was trying to do a 4th of July themed set... I tried n tried n tried and trashed.. at least FOUR different attempts. So that got me to thinking about my mojo fairy. Like.. I was wondering just where the heck she was because I've not had an off day in quite awhile, and while I know having an off day happens now and again, I had to go searching for my mojo fairy. And look.. Here she is.. not quite sure what she was doing in the garden though when I needed her. I can't tell if she was sewing up her dress or reading. You decide.
*click image to view full size*
This beauty was made using the fabulous artwork of Elias Chatzoudis. You must have a proper license in order to use his artwork. You can obtain a license upon purchase so head on over to Elias's store to get yours.
I also used "Dark Fairy" by Amy Marie's kits. Here's a preview of her kit:
You can find this kit at SATC and PFD as well as Amy's very own store which is linked to the left! She's having a grand opening sale from now until July 9. Go grab her kits!
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Anything you see here is © to myself, unless otherwise specified, and is not for public domain. No copyright infringement is intended. Templates, tutorials, and designs are of my own creation and any similarities to others is purely coincidental and unintentional. Snagables come AS IS - and no changes/additions are to be made (IE, names added, animations, etc). Please do not take anything here unless you are intended the recipient (Snaggables exempt). Do not steal, rip, cut apart, or otherwise damage any of my creations or claim them as your own. Please abide by my hours when requesting any items!
I love offering freebies as much as I love getting freebies. However, offering said freebies can be time consuming and often times expensive for me. So if you'd like to help me continue to offer freebies for you all to enjoy then please click my donate button. Any amount is appreciated. Also, let me know you donated so you can get a special goodie from me!